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🤔 Others also ask …

How is this different from any program elsewhere?

Here are the differentiating factors:

  1. We don’t ask to create random resumes.
  2. We focus on the career impact rather than getting a project on your resume. This means networking, industry insights and skills.
  3. We help you channel your efforts in the right direction.
  4. You save your precious time by networking with right people and focus on exploring opportunities through paid micro-internships.
  5. You get a vibrant community of early professionals with diverse backgrounds such as business, tech, finance, marketing, etc.
  6. You remain up-to-date with all the knowledge that keep you relevant with current market trends.

Do you take commission from my salary?

Not at all!

We don’t charge you any commission to facilitate your internships. You get the complete amount, that you are promised here.

Is there a tuition for the fellowship?

Yes, a one-time tuition of $999-only, for life-time access. Which is split in two halves:

  1. 50% deposit upon acceptance
  2. 50% after one month or when you’re halfway through the training.